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Pay order to William Wallace or F. W. Fauntleroy Atty for “Protection of the Frontier… for pay as Capt in Gen Fauntleroy Co. New Mex. 4 1/8 x 8.  Signed on back by Edward Clark, the eighth Governor of Texas, his term coincided with the beginning of the American Civil War.

Throughout the Civil War, the Texas State legislature provided laws and appropriations to organize companies of men to provide frontier defense. These men were not part of the Confederate States Army but served under the command and control of officers in the employ of the State of Texas, although the organization of the troops was along military lines. The first of these groups was the Frontier Regiment, which existed from mid-1861 until December 1863 when the group was mustered into the CSA. They were replaced by the Frontier Organization, which was in existence until the end of the war in 1865. In the official State records these groups are often referred to as the Texas State Troops.

William A. A. "Big Foot" Wallace. 1817 – 1899 . After learning that a brother and a cousin had been killed in the Goliad Massacre, Wallace went to Texas to "take pay out of the Mexicans." He tried farming near La Grange, but soon tired of that occupation. He found Austin too populated for his tastes and eventually moved to San Antonio. He was a member of the Texan Army which fought General Adrian Woll's invading Mexican army near San Antonio in 1842. He then volunteered for the Somervell and Mier expeditions. He was a prisoner in the Perote Prison, surviving the "black bean" incident. Following his release, Wallace joined the Texas Rangers under Jack Hays, serving until the outbreak of the Mexican War. He was a Lieutenant in Capt. R. A. Gillespie's Company of Texas Mounted Volunteers in the United States Army during the War. He again served as a Ranger during the 1850s, fighting border bandits as well as Indians. Wallace's tracking skills were often put to use trailing runaway slaves trying to get to Mexico. He also drove a mail hack between San Antonio and El Paso. During the Civil War Wallace stayed in Texas to help protect the frontier from depredations by Indians, deserters, and Union soldiers. Wallace's later years were spent in Frio County, Texas near the small community of Bigfoot.

F. W. Fauntleroy (Faunt le roy), was educated in Indiana and passed his bar exams in 1841. The next year he raised a company of soldiers, marched to Texas, and entered Houston's army. He was a ranger. In 1845 he went to Jackson, Mississippi and raised a company which became Company A of Jeff Davis regiment of Mississippi Rifles. He commanded during the Mexican War until Buena Vista. He was discharged for disability and went to Palestine. In 1856 he came to Gatesville. He had charge of a minute company which ranged the frontier. He served on the frontier under Colonel Norris during the Civil War. He was District Attorney when the district covered eleven counties. Later he was Judge of Coryell County.

Fine condition.


SKU: tx151
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