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NEWSPAPER- BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. The Weekly Register, Baltimore, Saturday, Feb. 11, 1815. 9 ¾” x 6 ¼”. 16 pp complete , from disbanded volume. Most of the entire paper is devoted to Jackson’s victory at New Orleans. The time frame for the reports and letters is early through mid January. A key issue as there is numerous detailed accounts of the battle, and the corresponding aftermath. Some moderate foxing , back page split from issue. overall VG.(NW.16)

The Niles Weekly Register was a leading weekly news magazine with a national circulation, and was founded by Hezekiah Niles in 1811. As an indexed and relatively comprehensive summary of events during this 1811 – 1849 period, the Register is considered the paper of record for its age and has long been a favorite resource for historians. Its usual printing run was 16 book-sized pages, but it often included appendices and extra pages.

On January 8, 1815, American forces, under General Jackson, decisively defeat the British forces trying to capture New Orleans. The battle, which takes place after the Treaty of Ghent has been signed, is the most decisive American victory of the war.

The British chose New Orleans as their major objective. They ruled out a water assault on New Orleans and instead chose to mount a ground assault. They chose to bring their ships to Pea River in the mouth of the Mississippi. Guarding this entry to the Mississippi were five American gunboats. Their 29 guns and 145 men were no match for the 45 British barges manned by 1200 men with 43 guns. The British ships swiftly dispatched the American in a short battle on December 23 1814. The American ships however gave General Jackson the commander of American forces in New Orleans some additional time to prepare the defenses of the city, as well as make clear the direction of the advance of the British forces. The British forces then came ashore at the mouth of the Bayou Bienvenu unopposed. They hoped to head up the Bayou five miles to the Mississippi and then another 12 to New Orleans. An advance guard of 1500 men moved forward and captured the Viillere plantation. One of the American officers managed to escape and get to New Orleans to warn Jackson.


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